5 Homemade Coconut Oil Shampoo Recipes | For Frizz-Free, Soft Hair


How to make homemade coconut oil shampoo to prevent hair damage, loss of hair color, frizz and other issues. Check it out!

Every woman desires for a glossy, shiny and thick hair. For this, they tend to use expensive shampoos. Most of the women frequently change shampoos as well for making their hair smooth and silky.

But, we all know the fact that shampoos are loaded with chemicals. These shampoos can actually harm your hair and scalp. Natural beauty products always stand first and completely safe for your hair.

Coconut oil is one such natural ingredient. Coconut oil with its amazing properties acts as a best hair protector. Today, let us discuss about some shampoos that you can make with coconut oil.



1. Coconut Oil With Curry Leaves Homemade Coconut Oil Shampoo 

This shampoo soothes your hair. This natural shampoo nourishes your hair.


2 or 3 Cups Coconut Oil

Handful Curry Leaves (Preferably fresh)

½ Cup Castile Soap

Firstly, add curry leaves to coconut oil. Heat both these ingredients for some time. Then, add castile soap in that mixture.

Stir all these ingredients well. You will notice bubbles after some time. Then turn off the flame. Let it cool for few minutes. Then, pour the mixture in a bottle and store in the refrigerator. You can make use of this shampoo on regular basis to get rid of premature grey hair.

2. Coconut Oil With Honey

Coconut oil with honey adds luster to your hair. Coconut oil and honey not only makes your hair stronger but also shiny and beautiful.


1 Cup Coconut Oil

2 Tablespoons Honey

1 Teaspoon Lavender Oil

1 Teaspoon Rosemary Oil

1 Teaspoon Avocado Oil

½ Cup Castile Soap

Quarter Cup Distilled Water

Firstly, water must be added and heated in a pan for some time. When the water is boiling, add honey, coconut oil, rosemary oil, lavender oil and avocado oil.

All these ingredients should be added one by one and mixed thoroughly. After that, add castile soap in that mixture.

Mix this soap too well. Then, turn off the flame. Let the mixture cool for some time. Then, transfer it in to a bottle. Store this shampoo in the refrigerator.

3. Coconut Milk With Oatmeal And Cinnamon Powder

Shampoo made up of coconut milk, oatmeal and cinnamon powder acts as a dry shampoo. This shampoo when applied makes your hair oil free.


1 Tablespoon Coconut Milk

1 Tablespoon Oatmeal powder

4 Tablespoons Cinnamon Powder

2 Tablespoons Corn flour

Few Drops Lavender Oil

Preparation And Application Method:

Add all these ingredients in a small container. Mix them well. Your dry shampoo is ready. This dry shampoo makes your hair shiny and gorgeous. You can apply this dry shampoo when you are going to parties, lunch or dinners with friends etc.

4. Coconut Oil With Coconut Milk

This shampoo eliminates dirt and impurities from your scalp and hair.


Quarter Cup Coconut Oil

1 Cup Coconut Milk

Preparation And Application Method:

Add coconut milk and oil in a small container. Apply this mixture on your hair. Let it stay on your hair for some time.

You will notice a gummy mask. Rinse off your hair after some time using tepid water.

5. Coconut Milk With Glycerin

This shampoo nourishes your hair. It makes your hair beautiful and strong.


½ Cup Coconut Milk

½ Cup Glycerin

1 Cup Liquid Soap

Few Drops Lavender Oil

4 Teaspoons Coconut Oil

Take a container. Add glycerin and coconut milk in that container. Blend them well and add coconut oil, liquid soap and few drops of lavender oil to that mixture. Blend these ingredients carefully.

Vibrate this mixture before you use it. Apply this mixture on the hair and scalp with the help of a brush. This shampoo can be used two times in a week in order to enjoy beautiful hair.

Can coconut oil be used to create natural shampoo?

coconut oil hair recipe
Source: Instagram@curejoybeauty



Shampoo is one of the most common beauty products in use today, yet many of the formulations are laden with harsh chemicals.

Coconut oil is an increasingly popular natural alternative that is often cited as a potential ingredient to make homemade shampoos that nourish and hydrate hair, rather than strip it of its natural oils. But does it actually work? Can coconut oil be used to create natural shampoo?

The short answer is yes, coconut oil can be used to create natural shampoos. At its most basic, coconut oil can be blended with a natural surfactant, such as cocamidopropyl betaine, to create an effective shampoo.

The oil itself is full of fatty acids, which are excellent at cleansing hair without being overly harsh. The surfactant helps to emulsify the oil and water, ensuring a creamy, luxurious experience which is gentle and nourishing on the hair.

When using coconut oil to create a shampoo, it is important to get the ratio of oil to surfactant right.

Too much oil can leave hair heavy, while too much surfactant can cause excessive dryness and stripping of essential natural oils. If used in the right quantities, coconut oil can be wonderfully beneficial for all types of hair.

The fatty acids can help to improve shine and nourish from the roots to the tips, leaving hair softer and more lustrous than before.



My favorite homemade coconut oil shampoo recipe for hair

Natural, Homemade Coconut Oil Shampoos
Source: Instagram@cocobuddy_

In terms of homemade coconut oil shampoos, there is no 'one size fits all' recipe. The exact proportions for any recipe will depend on the individual's hair type and also on their preferences.

For those with fine, look hair, using a ratio of one part coconut oil to two parts surfactant is usually enough to avoid excessive heaviness. Alternatively, if someone has thicker or coarser hair, then they may need to increase the amount of oil used.

When making homemade coconut oil shampoos, it is possible to add additional natural ingredients such as honey, herbs, and essential oils to further enhance the treatment. Honey, for instance, when combined with coconut oil, can be incredibly nourishing for the hair and scalp.

Herbs such as rosemary, lavender, and chamomile can also be beneficial, as they are packed with antiseptic and antifungal properties, which can help to keep your scalp clean and healthy.

Essential oils such as tea tree, peppermint, and lemongrass can add a lovely fragrance to the shampoo while also helping to protect the scalp and hair from infection.

All in all, homemade coconut oil shampoos can be a great way to get the benefits of coconut oil without any of the harsh chemicals found in many commercial shampoos.

When used in the right proportion, with the right additional ingredients, coconut oil shampoos can effectively cleanse the hair while being gentle and nourishing.

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