Can we apply hair serum on wet hair ?


Discovering hair serum was a life changing moment for me. I have never heard of a hair product that can benefit your hair in this many ways as a hair serum.

A hair serum will promise to protect your hair from the harsh environmental conditions that might damage your hair, enhance hair growth, while they still adds to how good your hair looks and feels. 

Despite of the benefits a hair serum will have to your hair, there is still a catch to using hair serum.

If you use hair serum the wrong way, you are likely to face some serious negative side effects. On the other, you will bag all the goodness offered by hair serum after using hair serum the right way. And, while we are still in the process of use of hair serum, can we apply hair serum on wet hair?

Most hair professionals will advice you to use hair serum on wet hair. If you don’t quality why and how, keep reading this guide. 

Why you should apply hair serum on wet hair?

If you have enough research on hair serums, you know how beneficial they are to your hair. Aside being very beneficial, if you make one mistake when applying or choosing a hair serum, you risk having to deal with hair damage, loss, or issues with skin infections. With this is serious side effects, is hair serum good for hair?

For you to achieve greatness, you will have to deal with some setbacks. Hair serums are no any different. No matter how beneficial hair serums are, you will have to deal with some negatives side effects. 

Luckily this negative side effects are avoidable. Provided you follow the tips I will provide you for using hair serum on your hair. 

Among the most common and the most notable tip is apply hair serum on wet hair. Why should you use hair serum on wet hair?

Hair serum main ingredient is silicone. Silicone is waterproof and resistant to any environmental conditions that might be damaging to your hair. 

For a hair serum to be waterproof, it means there are some drying properties that facilitate the water resistibility. The chemicals used to facilitate water resistibility work by sucking some moisture from the hair. 

If you are not only trying to protect your hair from damaging conditions and want to improve how your hair look you should apply hair serum on wet hair. 

This ensures your hair has enough moisture to tamed even after hair serum suck some moisture from your hair. 

Another reason that you should ensure you are applying hair serum on wet hair is because some other ingredients used on hair serums are very harsh. If you want to calm the ingredients, you can apply hair serum on wet hair. 

Detangling and working with dry hair might me challenging than working worth wet hair.

When you apply hair serum on wet hair, the cohesiveness between your hair and the hair serum reduces making it easy for hair serum to be attached to hair serum. 

Moisture also helps in hair growth. 

Right way to apply hair serum

Right way to apply hair serum

Step 1: Wet your hair with water before applying a shampoo. Working with wet hair is easier and reduces hair breakage. 

Step 2: Depending on the density and the length of your hair, apply an generous amount of hair shampoo on your wet hair. 

Using a shampoo on your hair ensures all the products are loose to be easily removed

Step 3: Massage your hair with two your fingertips to ensure all the other hair products on your hair are easily removed. 

Massaging your head also allows the flow of blood which enables your hair cuticles to remove new strands of hair. 

Rinse off your hair under some running Luke warm water to ensure no shampoo is remaining on your hair. 

If your hair is not well washed, you can go in with another touch of hair shampoo. 

Step 4: Once you are sure your hair is clean you can go in with a gentle hair conditioner. 

Since the hair shampoo might be harsh to your hair, a conditioner is supposed to make your hair soft, nourished, and moisturized. It also ensure it is easy to work around your hair when applying hair serum.

Massage your head and hair for about five minutes to ensure every strand of your hair is getting the goodness of hair conditioner. Massaging your head will also improve the circulation of blood on your head leading to hair growth. 

After you can feel the hair conditioner has done it’s job rinse off the hair conditioner under running Luke warm water. This is to make sure all products are washed off. 

Step 5: Go in with a moisturizer

Although all hair serums promise to hydrate your hair, the moisturizer content used in the hair serum is very low compared to other ingredients such as silicone. 

Since silicone strips of your hair it’s natural oils, you can protect your hair from this disaster by applying a moisturizer to your hair before applying hair serum.

Step 6: Apply a hair serum

Once you are sure your hair is well hydrated, and clean enough you can start applying hair serum. 

Before doing that, if you are using other products that aids in hair growth or repair, you should apply them before you get to the hair serum. 

  • Part your hair in small sections when applying hair serum. 
  • Pour some hair serum on your palms, and rub your hands together to melt the hair serum. 
  • Apply the hair serum from the mid length to the ends. 
  • Avoid touching your scalp with the hair serum or even using a lot of hair serum. Some of the other ingredients used on the hair serum are too harsh and might cause some skin irritation.
  • Massage your hair for a few minutes then pass a wide toothed comb through your hair to ensure every part if your gets the serum and your hair is well detangled.
  • Style your hair according to how you please.

Step 6: Clean up the application area and your hands. 

For the safety of other people in your home and also your own safety, ensure you clean up the area you were applying the hair serum at. 

You should also wash your hands with warm water to remove any hair serum that might be stuck on your fingertips. 

Is it necessary to moisturize your hair before applying hair serum?

Although there is no rule that insist you apply a hair moisturizer before applying hair serum, using moisturizer can be so beneficial to your hair. 

For starters, when you moisturize your hair, your feel will feel nice and vibrant the whole day. 

Another thing is that you will not have to worry about the hair serum damaging your hair as it will be hydrated enough in such a way the hair serum will not suck all the moisture off your hair. 

Moisturized hair means a heathy hair. You can be assured your hair will be growing.

What will happen if you apply hair serum on dry hair?

I might not be a hair professional but one thing I can assure you applying hair on dry hair is a disaster in the making. 

Hair serum will dry up your hair, strip your it’s natural oils off, damage your hair and eventually lead to hair loss.

Dry hair does not look cute at all. 

Moisturizing and washing your hair before applying hair serum is important and you should never skip that process. 


Considering how expensive and how amazing hair serum is, you wouldn’t want to lose the chance to benefit from the product. 

One way to ensure that you harvest all the goodness of hair serum is applying the hair serum the right way. 

The first step to applying hair serum the right way is ensuring you use hair serum on wet hair. 

Applying hair serum on wet hair means that the product will not have a hard time attaching itself to the hair. Aside from washing your hair, you can add a moisturizer to your hair. 

If you want to know the right way to apply hair serum, follow my guide above to find all the information you need on hair serums. You should also subscribe to this page for more beauty hacks. 


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  2. Shome, D., Kapoor, R., Surana, M., Vadera, S., & Shah, R. (2022). Efficacy of QR678 Neo® hair growth factor formulation for the treatment of hair loss in Covid‐19‐induced persistent Telogen Effluvium—A prospective, clinical, single‐blind study. Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 21(1), 16-23.
  3. Huang, Y. H., Zeng, B. Y., Li, D. J., Cheng, Y. S., Chen, T. Y., Liang, H. Y., … & Lin, C. H. (2019). Significantly lower serum and hair magnesium levels in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than controls: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 90, 134-141.

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