How Do You Know If You Have Low Porosity Hair? | 5 Symptoms Of Low Porosity Hair And Solutions

how to grow low porosity hair

How do you know if you have low porosity hair? Find out everything about low porosity hair and how to identify it here!

Hair porosity is a term that is utilized to portray how well your hair is able to absorb and retain moisture and oils. Assuming that you have low porosity hair, it implies that your hair doesn't effortlessly permit moisture to be retained into your hair shaft.

Your hair may not be able to soak up water as easily when it's washed. Moreover, as this type of hair does not attract moisture, it becomes more challenging to style your hair.

Floating hair that sinks to the bottom of the glass after some time is likely to have low porosity. Hair that floats at some place close to the center of the glass probably has medium porosity. Hair that sinks to the lower part of the glass decently fast is normally more permeable.

how to grow low porosity hair
Source: Unsplash

It is known for the fact that low porosity hair can be a total agony to manage. It never matters the number of creams, profound conditioners, or proteins you toss at it for getting back the shiny hair. It will continuously look dull and crush the hair confidence one always had. That is on the grounds that low porosity hair is firmly pressed outwardly and won't give anything access.

How Do You Know If You Have Low Porosity Hair

Precaution is better than cure so let us know the why, what and how you can improve your hair. Identify and rectify the mistakes you have been making with the hair.

5 Symptoms of Low Porosity Hair

Low porosity hair is a hair type that has difficulty absorbing moisture due to tightly closed hair cuticles. This hair type is often characterized by a shiny appearance, resistance to chemical treatments, and difficulty absorbing hair products.

Understanding the symptoms of low porosity hair can help you identify the condition and adjust your hair care routine accordingly.

Low Porosity Hair Seems Dryi Even After Using Conditioner

One of the primary symptoms of low-porosity hair is that it feels dry and brittle even after conditioning. This is because the cuticles are tightly closed, which makes it difficult for moisture to penetrate the hair shaft. As a result, the hair may look and feel dry, even after applying conditioner or deep conditioning treatments.

Low Porosity Hair Dries Slowly 

Low porosity hair is also characterized by a slow drying time. Because the cuticles are tightly closed, it is difficult for water to penetrate the hair shaft, which makes it take longer for the hair to dry. You may notice that your hair takes a long time to dry, even after towel-drying or using a hair dryer.

Low Porosity Can Easily Have Product Build Up

If you have low-porosity hair, you may find that hair products build up easily on your hair. Because the hair cuticles are tightly closed, it can be difficult for hair products to penetrate the hair shaft. This can lead to product buildup, which can make your hair feel heavy, greasy, and difficult to style.

Low Porosity Hair Is Prone To Tangles and Knots

Low porosity hair is also prone to tangling and knots. This is because the hair cuticles are tightly closed, which can make the hair shaft rough and prone to snagging on other hairs. As a result, you may notice that your hair tangles easily, especially if it is long or curly.

Low Porosity Hair Can Lack Volume and Body

Finally, low porosity hair can often appear flat and lack body. This is because the hair cuticles are tightly closed, which can make it difficult for the hair to absorb styling products and hold a style. If you have low porosity hair, you may find that your hair lacks volume and appears limp, even after styling.

In conclusion, low porosity hair is a hair type that has tightly closed hair cuticles, which makes it difficult for the hair to absorb moisture and hair products.

If you suspect you have low porosity hair, it is important to adjust your hair care routine to accommodate your hair's needs.

This may include using lightweight hair products, avoiding heavy oils and butters, and using heat to help open the hair cuticles and allow for better product penetration.

What is Low Porosity Hair

We should be familiar with the attributes of low porosity hair and a few fundamental tips you should follow to take legitimate care of your hair. To totally comprehend the idea of hair porosity, it is fundamental for us to know a bit about the structure of your hair. Our hair structure comprises three layers, those are:-

The cuticle: Hair cuticles look like shingles on a rooftop, as the more modest cuticles cross over one another, which makes it an intense, defensive external layer.

The cortex: In your hair, this layer is the thickest. It has sinewy proteins and the shade which is liable for the shade of your hair. The medulla: This is the sensitive and focal piece of the hair shaft.

To cause your hair to feel amazing and hydrated, a few fundamental things like water, oils, and different other saturating items should go through the fingernail skin to get to the cortex.

The hair can't adequately absorb water or oils if the cuticles are too close together. The hair may not be able to get the moisture it needs and it becomes harder to deliver the moisture and oils to the hair shaft . In contrast if the cuticles are spaced out widely, your hair will have a harder time in order to retain the moisture and keep itself hydrated.

how to grow low porosity hair
Source: Unsplash

The reason for low porosity hair usually is due to genetic factors. The chemicals and sprays that you use on your hair typically don't cause low hair porosity.

Heat and styling damage the cuticle layer which results in high porosity hair which means that the spaces between the cuticle are more and hence makes it hard for your hair to retain moisture.

Causes Of Low Porosity Hair

When your hair ingests and holds moisture is generally because of hereditary qualities. Along these lines, assuming low porosity hair runs in your family, there's a decent opportunity you'll have low porosity hair, as well. However, while hereditary qualities can influence porosity, it isn't the main contributing variable.

You can damage your hair over time by blow-drying, bleaching, straightening, overwashing, and using harsh products. As a result, your hair cuticles can become raised and open, which can make it harder for your hair to retain moisture.

Besides hair treatments, excessive UV exposure can lead to more porous hair. When you are outside, wear a hat or some type of head covering to protect your hair from the sun.

Valuable ways to know about what type of hair porosity

Here is a basic method for deciding your hair's porosity. You should definitely simply go for ladies:

In the first place, you should rinse your hair with water and afterward apply a cleanser. After that, clean your hair very well so it gives more exact outcomes. Dry your hair properly every time you rinse it. Put a strand of your hair and drop it into a reasonable glass of water. Continue to observe how your hair acts in the water. Watch out for the drifting conduct of your hair as it will decide your hair porosity.

Porosity is reasonably low in hair that floats to the highest point of the glass prior to sinking to the base. Medium porosity is the point at which your hair drifts someplace close to the center of the glass. Whenever the hair sinks to the lower part of the glass moderately rapidly, it is commonly more permeable. It in this manner has a high porosity.

The second way to test is the spray bottle test. It is an easy way to find out whether you have low porosity hair or not. Take a part of your hair and splash it with water. Now observe, if the water drops beads up and move down after sometime, you realize you have low porosity hair.

signs of high porosity hair
Source: Unsplash

The third way is the slide test to decide your hair porosity. Take a strand of your hair and slide your fingers up the shaft towards your scalp. Accepting you observe a couple of knocks in the center, you can conclude, you have high porosity hair.

How to Take Care of Low-Porosity Hair

Whenever you have low porosity hair, you might be enticed to apply a larger amount of a product, or more than one hair item in turn, with an end goal to soak your hair. But since the cuticles are so near to one another, not much product will infiltrate, regardless of the amount you apply.

- Maintain the hair

In order to maintain low porosity hair, one must find products with the proper formulation. This means that the ingredients will be able to penetrate your hair more easily. A very important tip is to apply products when your hair is wet and warm. Oils and moisture can more easily penetrate the hair shaft when the hair cuticle is lifted by heat.

You can treat low porosity hair by utilizing a hair veil. Wet your hair, liberally apply the cover, and work carefully to guarantee it goes into the hair. You can help the thing with immersing better into your hair by steaming your hair while wearing a hair cover. From there on, flush your hair with cold water to seal the cuticles. Low porosity hair requires a lot of thought and care, so it's ideal expecting you to put into hydrating hair care things.

To realize what sorts of mixtures and items will quite often function admirably for low porosity hair, here are a few ideas:-

how to grow low porosity hair
Source: Unsplash

- Choosing the right shampoo

You need to choose those shampoos that don’t leave a lot of residues. You need to use those products that contain honey or glycerin. These products can penetrate the hair cuticle more easily than products that contain oils. Incorporate a clarifying cleanser into your hair care routine daily, as its recipe will assist with cleaning the scalp without stripping it of fundamental nutrients. Likewise, keep away from alcohol-based products.

Apply Conditioner

When you apply conditioner to your hair, dilute it with a small amount of water. If you do this, the conditioner will be more easily absorbed and will restless on your hair.

Prior to doing Deep conditioner

Some additional moistures might be required once in a while for your hair. A successful method for doing this is to play out a profound molding treatment consistently. Whenever you condition your hair, you might profit from utilizing a liner, heat cap, or hooded dryer.

Whenever you have applied the profound conditioner, you can put a shower cap over your head and utilize a blow dryer on the warm setting for a considerable length of time to heat up your hair. It will open up the cuticle. It's best to stay away from protein treatment conditioners if your hair is low porosity. Because protein formulas tend to remove moisture from the hair, they increase the risk of hair breakage.

When the hair shaft has low porosity, it's difficult for oils and moisture to penetrate. As a result, saturating your hair may take a long time. Additionally, processing and styling your hair may be challenging.

ingredients to avoid for low porosity hair
Source: Unsplash

Low porosity hair, however, can benefit from certain ingredients. When you know which products to use and which ones to avoid, your hair can be more manageable and healthier.

At times, when individuals choose to reflect their normal surface, they expect it will be simpler. It is so vital to nurture the original, it's not really more straightforward indeed, for some purposes, it might suggest more effort. Have confidence that the work is worth the effort for more joyful, better hair. You receive in return what you put into it.

What does low porosity look like?

Low porosity hair is characterized by a shiny appearance, difficulty absorbing moisture, slow drying time, product build-up, and tangles and knots. To test for low porosity hair, place a strand of clean hair in a glass of water and observe how it behaves. If it floats or takes a long time to sink, it is likely low porosity. Adjusting your hair care routine based on your hair's porosity level can help improve its health and appearance.

What does dry low porosity hair look like?

Dry low porosity hair can have a dull and lackluster appearance. It may feel rough and brittle to the touch and may be prone to breakage. The hair cuticles are tightly closed, making it difficult for moisture to penetrate the hair shaft, which can result in dryness even after conditioning. Dry low porosity hair may also be prone to frizz and flyaways due to the rough texture of the hair shaft. To improve the appearance of dry low porosity hair, it is important to use moisturizing hair products and techniques that can help open the hair cuticles and allow moisture to penetrate the hair shaft.

How To fix low-porosity hair?

To improve low porosity hair, try clarifying your hair, using warm water, deep conditioning, using lightweight hair products, avoiding heat damage, using the L.O.C. method, and incorporating humectants.

Is low porosity hair good or bad?

Low porosity hair is neither good nor bad. It is a hair type that refers to the hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture. Low porosity hair can be difficult to moisturize, but it also has its advantages, such as being less prone to damage from environmental factors and chemical treatments. It is important to understand your hair's porosity and how to care for it properly to maintain its health and appearance.

Is low porosity hair frizzy?

Low porosity hair can appear frizzy when it is dry and lacking in moisture. This is because the tightly packed cuticles of low porosity hair can make it difficult for moisture to penetrate the hair shaft. As a result, low porosity hair may not absorb hair products effectively, leading to a buildup of products on the hair's surface, which can contribute to frizz. However, with proper care and the use of lightweight, water-based hair products, frizz can be managed in low porosity hair.

What should low porosity hair avoid?

Low porosity hair should avoid heavy, oil-based hair products, as they can weigh down the hair and contribute to buildup. Hair products that contain ingredients such as silicones and heavy butters can also be difficult for low porosity hair to absorb. In addition, using hot tools on low porosity hair can be damaging, as it can cause the hair to become overly dry and brittle.

It is also important to avoid using high-alkaline hair products, such as those containing baking soda or clarifying shampoos too often, as they can disrupt the hair's natural pH balance and cause damage.

Instead, low porosity hair should be treated with lightweight, water-based products that can penetrate the hair shaft, and be sure to clarify and deep condition the hair regularly to maintain its health and appearance.

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